What are some examples of videos to request from my team?

Do you need some inspiration for the kinds of content to collect from your team? Here are some great ideas and sample instructional prompts to start with.

A Day in The Life: Hey there! We want to give a sneak peek into what a typical day at our company looks like. So grab your coffee (or tea), sit back, relax and take us through your daily routine. Don't forget to add some fun anecdotes and quirks that make our workplace unique. Ready? Action!

What I Love Most: Alright, it's time to gush about your job! What gets you out of bed in the morning and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Share your passions, the challenges you love tackling and anything else that makes your job the best. Bonus points if you include a dance or a silly face. Let's go!

Meet the Team: Introduce yourself to new hires! Give us a quick rundown of who you are and what you do. Tell us a fun fact or a quirky habit you have. The more personality the better. Show us why our team is the best and make us all proud to be a part of it.

My First Week: Take us back to your first week on the job. What were your first impressions? What surprised you? What made you go “Whoa, this is the place for me”? Share some of the highlights and any lessons learned. And don't be afraid to get a little nostalgic. Let's relive the magic.

My Favorite Perk: Everyone has something they love about working here. What's yours? Is it the unlimited snacks, the flexible hours, the fun team outings? Let us in on your favorite perk and why it makes your job even sweeter. And feel free to get creative - this one's all about the fun.

I’m Thankful For You: Gratitude is in the air! Tell your teammates why you're thankful for them and capture their reactions. Share what they bring to the table and what you love about working with them. Let's spread some positivity and make everyone feel appreciated.

Surprise!: Get ready to put a smile on someone's face! Choose a coworker and list three things they do that make work a more fun place. Keep it a secret and capture their reaction when you share the love. Let's spread some joy!

Story Time: It's time to get personal and share a story about a time you felt truly valued at work. What made you feel appreciated? What impact did it have on you? Tell us how it makes you feel even now when you think about it. Let's hear your heartwarming story.

Giving Back: We're all about giving back at our company! Show us how your team is making a difference in the community, whether it's through volunteering, donating or any other way. Let's showcase our company culture and the good we bring to the world.

Happy Anniversary!: Let’s cheers to [insert name]’s [insert number] years at the company! Take a moment to reflect on their time here, why you love working with them and something they’ve taught you over the years. Let's celebrate their big milestone!

Party Time: It's time to let loose and have some fun! Capture a company gathering where everyone is enjoying themselves - the more wild the better! Show us how we know how to party and why it's a great place to work. Let's make memories together!

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